We have a short documentary on our website ( www.bicas.org ) about our project here in Tucson. You are welcome to use it if you like. I know I have seen similar short film about other projects on websites. I think I saw one on the bike project on St. Louis?
-----Original Message----- From: Christine Hill christine.tyler@gmail.com To: thethinktank@bikecollectives.org Sent: Mon, Jul 26, 2010 10:36 pm Subject: [TheThinkTank] Bike-In Movies?
Hey ya'll,
I'm in the process of starting a Burlington Bicycle Coalition here in Burlington, Vermont. Our first event is this Friday, and its a sort of brain-storming session followed by a potluck and a bike-in movie. Only it's just occurring to me that I haven't thought much about what we're going to show for the movie. I have the essentials like The Bicycle Thief, but I would rather show something about booming bike cultures elsewhere to inspire the folks here. Any recommendations for films I would be able to find online or acquire somehow in the next four days that might get people excited to start working on a bicycle coalition?
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