And pics showing how you mean to use 'em? I'm super supportive of your excitement! Just can't picture what's making you feel it :)
Josh Bisker 914-500-9890 New York Mechanical Gardens Bike Co-op http://bikecoop.nyc/ 596 Acres http://596acres.org/ Bindlestiff Family Cirkus http://bindlestiff.org/
On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 4:41 PM, rebecca owens rebowens33@hotmail.com wrote:
Do you have a source or a link for these dry erase stickers? Thanks, Rebecca
On Jan 27, 2018, at 10:12 PM, "cyclista@inventati.org" <
cyclista@inventati.org> wrote:
OMG has everyone heard of dry erase tape and dry erase stickers?!
I was lamenting today that the hot glue idea wouldn't work for tires,
and then I thought dejectedly about how badly adhesive labels always work out. I suddenly had the thought that what would be awesome would be labels that were dry erase, and then I thought someone must have already invented that, and surely enough they exist!! Hell yeah!!
They're a little on the expensive side, but at least for our shop this
will revolutionize our ability to label parts storage. Also a lot of community shops are probably set up to get them donated.
-cyclista Nicholas
On 2018-01-26 08:39, cyclista@inventati.org wrote: I immediately went and wrote down that bit about the hot glue
On 2018-01-26 01:23, Josh Bisker wrote: Pals, we've got a bunch of long skinny red u-line bins (like 4" x 18")
on a
couple long shelves now that are BALLING. They're super easy access for people to get their hands on small and medium sized parts. What are
like, top ten or top twenty small or medium sized things that people
to get ahold of? What would I not think of, but you're like "oh folks actually need XYZ like all the damn time"? Or do you have cautionary
like "don't put fifteen pounds of M5 bolts in one of those, they will
mixed up immediately with other things and it will suck"? Also check it: we're going to take a tip from Kickstand in Vancouver
hot-glue the part itself to the front of the bin, so that no one needs
remember just what a thing is called to have access to the magic. Josh Bisker 914-500-9890 New York Mechanical Gardens Bike Co-op http://bikecoop.nyc/ 596 Acres http://596acres.org/ Bindlestiff Family Cirkus http://bindlestiff.org/ ____________________________________ The ThinkTank mailing List Unsubscribe from this list here: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-
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