Hey, Andalusia et al

You're welcome to our video of our human-powered move of our satellite shop last February.  It's on the home page of our website (www.austinyellowbike.org ).

Have fun!


On 10/15/07, Andalusia Knoll <andalalucha@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello bike lovers,

So this is a little last minute but Times-Up in NYC is having an event/movie night about bike bike! and the bike collective network.  It would be great to show all the little news blips, mini documentaries, arty bike shop movies that have been made about your shop.  Kinda like what we did the friday night at bike bike under that wonderful bridge.  The only problem is that this whole event is really last minute and is taking place on Thursday.  Perhaps people have these videos on youtube or some other online viewable format and can send me the links and then we can show them.


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Austin's Yellow Bike | www.austinyellowbike.org

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