Angel York is working on just such an initiative. She did send out an email with the subject line "Virtual BIKE! BIKE! interest survey " on April 18, but I am copying the contents below, please fill out her survey:

I have never made it to a Bike! Bike! because I try to keep a motor minimalist traveling radius.  But the Bici! Bici!s I went to in California were most excellent, I can only imagine how much fun Bike! Bike! is. 
So this year, my partner (Darin Wick) and I (Angel York) are offering to host an online Bike! Bike!!  Now!  With a smaller carbon footprint!!! I know I haven't been active here on the Think Tank for a while, so here's my wiki page if you're newer and curious about me.
Please fill out this interest survey before 8am on May 1*:
I am also happy to share the results (minus contact info) with anyone who is curious.
*(original deadline was midnight April 30 but I won't be awake at midnight)
Angel, I suggest extending the deadline, it looks like not everyone observed your post.

On Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 1:16 PM momoko saunders <> wrote:
Hey all,

This morning I find myself really missing my bike bike friends. I wasn't able to make the one in 2019 and then, well, 2020 was a no go.

Any news on plans for 2021? Virtual? 

we could have it be really informal. Use the BikeBike website to post a topic and instead of a location, it would be a zoom room.

Just thinking of you all and wishing you the best wherever you are. 


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