9 May
9 May
5:57 p.m.
Hey all,
Maybe there's been another thread on this in the past, but I'll go ahead anyways. Fairly regularly we get e-mails from people who are moving to / staying in town for a while about getting a bike, and I had the thought that sometimes a nice way to deal with this would be to honor earn-a-bike volunteer hours worked at the other programs out there, particularly as transporation is definately a first priority when moving some place new, and in our program (being volunteer run and only open 1-2 days a week) it can take a couple weeks to complete the earn-a-bike. What do other peeps think about this? A good idea, or too much work dropping other programs a line to say what's what?
peace, Colin - shop coordinator, DBC.
Durham Bike Co-op
723 N. Mangum St.
Durham, NC 27701