I work at a school and one of the families I work with has one. I asked them about it and they raved about it.
They say that all their kids have ridden in the seat and they began using it with them as soon as the kid could sit up/ hold up his own head. They have 3 boys and the 2 older ones have already graduated to trailer and "big kid" bike and they've gotten a lot of use out of their seat.
These parents say they feel safer carrying their kid in the seat up front vs the back style. That it's more sturdy and that they get the advantage of having the kid right in their line of sight...both parents said that it's good for keeping an eye on the kid, but also just fun to watch him enjoy the ride.
ps, they're canadian and one of their comments was "i'm surprised that Boulder hasn't caught onto this".
Wanda Pelegrina Caldas Proud to be on Community Cycles Board! Sponsor an Earn-A-Biker for $100
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 11:12:31 -0600 From: mist@strans.org To: thethinktank@bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] babies (up front) and bikes
Not sure if this was discussed, but more and more i'm a fan of having the child up front, in a seat on the top tube. Asians and Europeans use this method more often- almost non-existant in U.S. Seems you have a more intimate experience with your child.
...has some reviews of one model- and it lacks a few features but people seem to like it. Anyone have experience with this type of child seat?
-- Bob Giordano Free Cycles Missoula Missoula Institute for Sustainable Transportation www.strans.org, mist@strans.org, 406.880.6834
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