Godwin, I'm guessing the small group of people involved in software development all have access to email? Can we take the discussion off of this list (with anyone who's interested being welcome to join and receive/contribute, of course) with the goal of more focused and rapid discussion that doesn't distract from the purpose of this group?
I'm no longer a paid employee at Community Cylces, but I am still here and interested and passionate about bikes being the way of the future. This project specifically is something I'm interested in contributing to.
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 1:07 PM, Godwin goodgodwin@hotmail.com wrote:
I would most definitely like to be a part of this. At Bike!Bike! we put together a small group to work on software development but I would also be game for some brainstorming and decision making.
Did you want to take lead on getting this off the ground Ainsley?
On 22/08/2010 12:12 PM, Ainsley Naylor wrote:
sounds great. the *collective of collectives* is going to be a main-focus for me within this community for the coming year. lots of ideas and projects that need to be hatched and hashed out.
talk to VeganJosh about the spreadsheet he has started whcih has a very large collection of data on 150+ bike collectives.
also somewhat related: what about a Bike!Bike! collective that helps facilitate work from year to year? website, money, scholarships, archiving, history-writing? We realized last week that B!B! needs to have a mission statement and an anti-oppression policy, among other things. anyone want to be a part of this work?
bike love, ainsley.
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