Hello ThinkTank'ers,
In order to broaden our efforts in education and advocacy efforts I am soliciting for examples of the types of campaigns you've been successful (and unsuccessful) with as well as the message you were trying to drive home. Keep it short, keep it simple, or if you want to wax poetic I'm happy to read a lengthy treatise as well.
- Campaign type (e-mail, workshop, radio/tv PSA, poster, tradeshow booth,
et al) 2. What was the message you were trying to convey (safe riding techniques, helmet use, bike lights, share the road, etc) 3. Was a measurable goal in the message/campaign's success defined and if so how was it measured? 4. What city, state, country are you from?
Thanks, Sam
Full disclosure: I am requesting this information not on behalf of our Bike Kitchen but rather our city Bike Board of which I am also a member.