15 Dec
15 Dec
8:20 a.m.
Is it:
- Important for us to partner with local bicycle shops for support
- Easy, and how does the LBS support your community shop (financially, parts
donations, mechanic volunteer, other?) 3. Beneficial to the LBS? How do we design the relationship to keep them excited about what we are doing? FINALLY 4. Has anyone gotten "on going" (monthly, annually etc.) financial support from other local business (non bike shop) to help with the rent, youth programs etc,? How is this beneficial to their local business, how do you approach them and IN WHAT WAYS ARE THEY SUPPORTING YOU?
I encourage ANY responses however, I would specifically like to here from people who are either currently involved in the above topics or that have set these up for their community shop.
Thank you,
Timothy L. Chase theGoodWheel.org ContactTimChase@gmail.com