Hi everyone!

I'm new to this community so hopefully I'm doing this right.

For a couple of months now I have been working as the operation manager of a non-profit community bike shop in Eastern Canada, and I was hoping to get some inspiration and ideas for putting up mechanic classes. I would be looking for any insights or examples of classes that you gave at your shops. I'm mostly wondering about the curriculum itself, like the "level" of the curriculum. Should I make a complete mechanic class that could almost get you a job (I have the training for it), or should I just keep it to the essentials? And what should I charge, if anything? Last thing, I'm curious what's your experience teaching kids under, say 15 or 16? Is it worth it or are they usually not interested enough?

Thank you!

Vincent Savary (he/il)
Operation manager/Gestionnaire des opérations

Coopérative La Bikery

Centre de vélo communautaire 
Community Bicycle Centre

Opening hours: Thursday 4-7PM, Sat. 11-2PM
Heures d'ouverture : Jeudi 16h-19h, samedi 11h-14h

120 boul. Assomption blvd,
 Moncton NB
(506) 830-2453


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