Right on. Use; re-use; re-purpose; last resort, recycle.
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----- Reply message ----- From: "Dylan Thies" dylan.thies@lostorienteerer.net To: "The Think Tank" thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] Bicycle Donation Fee? Date: Tue, Oct 16, 2012 12:44 At Troy Bike Rescue we take what ever comes in. We stripp what we can reuse from the bikes and use the bikes as teaching tools for new volunteers and people looking to earn a bike. Then with scraps and trashed bikes we have a symbiotic relationship with some scrappers in the area, we give them scrap they give us bikes instead of scrapping them.
On 16 October 2012 12:38, wormsign@gmail.com wormsign@gmail.com wrote:
How about getting some business cards for a metal scrapper and handing it to the person giving the donation if it's not usable for you. Our shop kinda takes everything, some parts go to a local artist, some to a local freak bike gang, and the rest is picked up regularly by a guy with a truck who makes a living on scrap metal.
Michael Young michael@westtownbikes.org wrote:
We talk to the person about the donation. If its scrap maybe there is
someone in your area that will recycle the metal.
Michael Young
West Town Bikes
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