Hello think-tankers,
*Feed me your Bike Month 2024 ideas!* Here are a few that we're trying out this year.
*Tour de Friends -* During open shop days in April we will help riders map a weekend ride to visit their friends around town*. *Riders will have the chance to paint ($19 markers) bicycles, or write pro-bicycle messages on contractors flags ($7 for 50) to place at all the stops.
*Tune-in and Tune-up - *Partner with Parks and Recreation, a local DJ, and volunteer mechanics to host a "repair party" along the busiest trail.
*Farms and Gardens Bike Around * - Guided or self-guided tours of local gardens and farms. The goal is to deepen everyone's understanding of local food and water issues... and connect these issues to bicycle and pedestrian issues.
There are a few more, but I want to hear from you all. -- Plants Armstrong