International Business Consultant position for an exciting nonprofit
appropriate technology center and bicycle retail store in Guatemala.
Maya Pedal is the organization that makes and markets “bici-
maquinas,” labor-saving, cost-effective pedal powered inventions, to
individuals and cooperatives who are off the electrical grid and
can’t afford diesel generators. Maya Pedal has amazing technology
but lacks sound financial and organizational stewardship.
Job Description:
Bikes Not Bombs (BNB),Working Bikes Cooperative and Maya Pedal(MP)
seek a Spanish-English bilingual person who has small business
management and sales background, and experience with nonprofits. This
job will require developing a marketing plan and a business plan for
the organization, Maya Pedal, a nonprofit appropriate technology
center in San Andres de Itzapa, Guatemala. To be an effective
consultant in this job you’ll need to be able to work well with
people and yet be straightforward in your assessment for
restructuring the financial oversight and management of the
organization. First order of the day will be to assess the current
state of operations and develop a business plan and an annual budget.
The second task of work will be to develop and implement a marketing
strategy. Thirdly, you will make recommendations as to how the MP
Board should be comprised and help to start new board development
process. Finally, you will oversee a hiring process to find
appropriate administrative personnel for Maya Pedal. Job duration is
six months and is expected to begin in early to mid October. Lodging
is supplied in beautiful San Andres de Itzapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala.
Job pay will include a round-trip air fare, a return transition
stipend, international emergency medical insurance and a $550 stipend
per month.
Experience working internationally with small businesses in Latin
America Is an important plus. This is a tremendous opportunity for
someone who wants to gain hands-on working experience with Latin
American indigenous nonprofits and marketing of Appropriate Technology.
Job tasks will include:
• Review and report on current fiscal solvency of Maya Pedal
• Review and establish an appropriate accounting system
• Assessment of current sales department and marketing strategy
• Some direct involvement in customer relations/sales
• Development of a business plan for Maya Pedal
• Assessment of functionality of Board of Directors and recommendations
• Creation of an annual budget and financial reporting system
• Help to develop a marketing plan
• Research possibilities of web based, on-line giving procedures
• Participation in management and shop staff meetings
• Work with internal committee to hire administrative personnel for
Maya Pedal as recommended and agreed upon by Maya Pedal and
international stake holders. This will include review of potential
candidates and training personnel once hired.
Please send your resume and cover letter by September 8, 2009 to:
or check out the link on the Bikes Not Bombs web site at: