| Attacking my point as corporate sellout-ish feels offensive to me, and | inappropriate to post anonymously (undercovercop?) on this list serve.
yo, ed, sorry for the offense. apparently i've been a little punchier lately than usual. i *did* take you at face value in responding to your post, and i *do* have serious reservation with corporate-for-profit-collaboration. every shop has its own situation and has to work out the compromises it is and isn't willing to make for itself. i can't imagine offering the sweat of my brow to a corporate team-building retreat. huh, guess my knee's still jerking a bit. sorry.
as for the email address, well, it's a bit of a joke... riseup.net being know for hosting radical websites and giving email services to various assorted radicals, i find it hilarious to have undercovercop@riseup.net.
name's ben. i help organize the chicago community bike project. if you need me, i'll be in the bathroom, extracting my foot from my mouth.
- -bB
'every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.' -h.l. mencken