Bike Rockstars, Following up on discussion from BikeBike 07, our shop would love to share bike collective open source-ish software for tracking volunteer and user hours (Nathan from Austin Yellow Bike), tracking inventory and interfacing with website (Rich from Boulder), and bad-ass register check-out software (joshua from LA). Our Bici Centro shop is potentially moving into a new (and bigger!) space and is ready to set up books and go paperless for tracking stuff.
Who knew but we also happen to have some genius computer software peeps working in the crew and they have interest to spend time synthesizing most applicable elements of these different programs and putting that program back out to the group again. My question is, where did we end off on this discussion? Is there an ongoing small group discussion that we could join in on? Since I've lost individual emails, could Rich, Nathan, and Josua possibly try to get back to me?
Many thanks folks for the amazing work you all do, and that us santa barbarians do our best to emulate.
-Ed France BiciCentro.org