Hi Microcosm creators,
We've got a couple of calls for submissions open for upcoming anthologies that I want to let you all know about, and also a few ongoing opportunities I want to remind you about. Feel free to share any of this freely!
1. If you want to try your hand at writing science fiction (only two criteria are that it involve bicycles and not be sexist), the deadline
for the 4th Bikes in Space collection was today...but I'm granting extensions through December 1st as needed. Let me know if you're thinking about writing something or want to toss ideas around.
3. We are always looking for
Music Scene History Series proposals (like the 33 1/3 book series, but focused on time + place rather than on a specific album).
All of this aside, though, if we've already worked with you we'd love to find a way to keep it going and do future projects together. Get in touch any time to talk over ideas for future work.
Thanks for doing what you do,