WOW! Hey this is just the information I have been wanting.  I have a window cleaning business and the rubber part of the squeegee needs to be changed often, once a day or so.   Window cleaning is about a 2 billion dollar a year segment of the economy. And that does not count the fire fighters and kings of the road that do it on the side.  If we can recycle the rubber, it would be a huge help.  Thanks, Art

Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 16:45:16 -0500
Subject: [TheThinkTank] old inner tubes

There was a discussion on bikejournal about reusing old tubes...I know many of us have found uses but another option is sending them to Splaff, a company that makes sandals from recycled materials.

I'll add the information to the wiki here linked from the shop recycling page.
Urban Bike Project of Wilmington

"We would love to use any old tubes that you are willing to send to us.

Please ensure that all old tubes sent to us meet the following criteria:
- No rust on the outside of the tubes
- No fluid inside the tubes
- We do not accept the bike tires, only the bike tubes.
Please ship all tubes to us at:

US Mail:
Splaff Inc.
PO Box 7604
San Diego, CA 92167

Splaff Inc
4950 Del Mar Ave
San Diego, CA 92107

Thank you again and please feel free to call us at (619) 221 9199 if you have any questions or concerns.

Keep onn Floppin'

Max Wescoe
Splaff Inc

Urban Bike Project of Wilmington
1908 N. Market Street (entrance is in the parking lot behind the building)
Wilmington, DE 19801

Visit us online at