Late, but for what it's worth I've been around maintenance most of my life and here's my $.02 Take a look at the bike wiki where I've posted the basic maintenance class I use. IMHO it is a real disservice to not start with the basics and then move to overhaul. So the order is important start with stuff the students can use right away. My class is also based on classes I've taken including from independent instructors. Can't ride if the tires are flat. "A" Air Now it had better stop. "B" Brakes Pedals/crankarms and chain so it;s not a push bike "C" And a derailleur so it's not a single speed. "D" Then teach hub overhaul, headset and bottom bracket. Last is frame inspection and repairs if you have the tools.
So you can use the Park Manual for all of this, plus their videos and others on YouTube you find helpful. I can teach flat repair hands on and the rest as "Show and tell" in 3 hours, two, a max of 3 students per instructor/assistant.
The ABCD can be taught in sessions, and out of order, but do your students a favor and start with stuff they can use with basic tools.
We have what's become two fractions at our coop and the people who work with new volunteers refuse to consider requiring a class, or that the volunteers must put in a commitment. Every volunteer I've ever had take my class has said "Gee, I wish I'd had this first." rather than just stripping bikes for a few weeks,boredom sets in, and they leave. I tell potential volunteers I will give the 3 hr. class for free, if they give back 9 ours. That's 3 sessions of open shop helping patrons or refurbishing bikes. If we never see them again, they got a good basic education and we got some help. IMHO if they can't commit to that, then sorry but we have others to help. So far I see a good 80% turn over in volunteers, in part I believe because we don't set them up to succeed.
Like I said, my $.02
On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 1:36 PM Robert Christiansen < robert@sacbikekitchen.org> wrote:
Hello all,
The Sacramento Bike Kitchen would like to ramp up our educational offerings. The programs needs to be flexible yet structured and flexible to accommodate potential volunteer scheduling/availability fluctuations.
I have been looking into the Park Tool Schools program as outlined in their BB-4TG Instructor Guide. I am impressed with their offering and feel it might fit our needs perfectly. We are thinking to first establish an in-house mechanic training course which could be mandatory for new volunteers and optional for current volunteer staff. We are 100% Volunteer run. We would then open it up to the public. Tuition if any has yet to be discussed.
We would greatly appreciate any feed back from all of you if you have any experience with Park Tool School or similar curriculum.
Secondly have any of you instituted a mandatory training for new volunteers? If so, any observations and reflections would be welcomed.
Your time and efforts are greatly appreciated and we give many thanks to you all. Keep up the the great work.
For The Sacramento Bike Kitchen, Robert Christiansen Http://sacbikekitchen.org
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