*Bike! Bike! Northeast
*September 6th-8th
*Worcester, MA*
Worcester Earn-a-Bike is pumped to host this soon-to-be-happening regional Bike! Bike! event! We've got bike rides, discussions, workshops, live music, a BBQ, and other events planned like whoa and we'd love to see y'all here!
Registration is live! It's *highly* encouraged that you hustle on over to the online registration form and fill in some info about yourself so we can find y'all some housing and bikes and make sure we have enough food for everyone. *CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM!https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1EsjBY9Rxb8cWjqgErxRLYw_BwavSH9uMSdHw5RJ_JmM/viewform
Also be sure to check out the Bike! Bike! Northeast website where you can find more details about the schedule and whatnot: BIKEBIKENE.COMhttp://bikebikene.com
Email me back if you have any questions! I'll be happy to answer them or direct you to folks who can.
Cheers! Steph & Worcester Earn-a-Bike
www.worcesterearnabike.org www.bikebikene.com