Hey there all,
We run a non-profit brick and mortar shop in Washington, DC. Our standard labor charge is $15 and hour, while most shops charge in the $25 to $35 range. We also offer a sliding fee for those that may not be able to afford the regular cost of repairs. If your keep your overhead down and don't have to pay rent, Bank and much as you can with your labor charges, but create buzz for the service you do by having an approachable pricing structure.
On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 12:48 PM, Stephen Andruski swandruski@gmail.com wrote:
$30 seems like an awful lot. I know it is half of what a commercial shop would charge, but it is going to depend on your clients and on your other sources of funding. The going hourly rate for community shops in the DC/N. Virginia/MD area seems to be $15/hour My shop, the Rockville Bike Hub, is doing exactly what you're doing. This will be our 4th year at a local Farmers Market twice a month (June through November). We had been asking for $10/hour and I think this year we'll ask for $15, but it can be hard to enforce. And quite honestly it is necessary to be flexible until you have your own space - and even then you want to be able to serve everyone regardless of need. I like the idea of posting the cost for the targeted commercial space. This helps people put in perspective what you're eventual costs will be and why you're asking for a contribution. It might also be helpful to give people an idea of what your current expenses are for insurance, parts and consumables, etc.
Also, if your volunteers have time and space outside the pop-up shop, reconditioning bikes and selling them might still be an option in the short term. Storage will be an issue though, so watch that as people find out you take donated bikes!
Steve Andruski The Rockville Bike Hub
On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 11:24 AM, 3rdwardbikes 3rdwardbikes@gmail.com wrote:
First-determine the amount needed to set up a brick and mortar location. Post that as a goal via signage. Note that bike shops in your Metropolitan Statistical Area charge X$/hr. Ask for a comparable donation for services rendered. Some will pay more and some will pay less, according to their means or inclination. I use the Barnett Ultimate Flat Rate Guide @ $30 a flat rate hour. That is about 1/2 of what a for profit shop charges, in my estimation. In bigger cities, rents are higher, ergo labor costs more.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab® E
-------- Original message -------- From: Sue Plummer scplummer65@gmail.com Date: 4/23/18 8:19 AM (GMT-06:00) To: thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] "payment" for pop-up repair sessions
HI Folks,
I'm part of a start-up effort in an urban neighborhood in Cincinnati. We hope to have our own shop, one day, where we will rebuild and sell bikes, affordably. In the meantime, we have pop-up repair sessions (2 Saturdays/month) planned for the spring/summer, this year.
We did a few of these part of last summer, but didn't charge anything. I am not completely comfortable with that, and would like to ask clients to offer something in exchange. i'd love any ideas about this.
Sue Plummer WheelHouse Cincy
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