Hey folks-
The League has a new staff position opening: Equity Initiative Manager.
Through its Equity Initiativehttps://www.bikeleague.org/content/equity-initiative, the League seeks to engage and be led by women, youth and leaders of color — and bridge the current gap between diverse communities and bicycle advocates. A new staff position, this experienced community organizer will work closely with the League’s Equity Advisory Councilhttps://www.bikeleague.org/content/equity-advisory-council-2; cultivate effective local and national partnerships; partner internally to incorporate equity into the League’s operations and programming; and produce reports and resources to advance bicycle equity nationwide.
Read the full description at the link below: https://www.bikeleague.org/content/league-seeks-equity-initiative-manager
Thanks in advance for helping to circulate through your networks!
*CAROLYN SZCZEPANSKI*, *Director of Communications, Women Bike* CAROLYN@BIKELEAGUE.ORG | 202-621-5452 *THE LEAGUE OF AMERICAN BICYCLISTS* WWW.BIKELEAGUE.ORG http://www.bikeleague.org TWITTER https://twitter.com/BikeLeague | FACEBOOKhttp://www.facebook.com/leagueamericanbicyclists | YOUTUBE http://www.youtube.com/user/bikeleaguevideo *May is National Bike Month; Learn more here!http://www.bikeleague.org/programs/bikemonth/