Hey folks! This is a friend
of mine from my days in Victoria. If you're interested in
talking to a researcher about experiences as a woman, trans*
or queer mechanic, this is a cool opportunity.
My name is Courtenay Nielsen and I
am a fourth-year undergraduate student
in the Department of Gender Studies
at the University of Victoria. I am
also a woman and a bike mechanic; I
work and volunteer in two community
bikes shops in Victoria. I am
conducting research for my graduating
project which seeks to explore the
experiences of women/trans/non-binary
bike mechanics working/volunteering
in community bike shops in various
locations across Canada.
I would like to invite anybody who identifies as a
woman/trans/non-binary bike
mechanic who is at least 19 years of age to
participate in my study.
In a nutshell, I would like to ask
said mechanics about their experiences
navigating bike shops, about the
reception they have received from
customers and co-workers, whether
their bike shop hosts women and trans
exclusive hours, and what they
notice about the demographics of the shop
(who are the customers? Who works
Drawing on multiple, varied
perspectives, I hope to identify barriers to
full participation in this field
and to illuminate the creative strategies
already being employed by those
currently participating in it.
Participation in this study will
include an audio-recorded interview via
skype or telephone with me at a
date/time that is most convenient for the
participant. I anticipate that the
interview will last between 30 and 60
minutes. With the interviews I
collect, I will be producing a radio
documentary which is to be
broadcasted via Uvic’s on-campus radio station,
CFUV. If the participant so
chooses, I will protect their anonymity
through the use of a pseudonym and
the removal of all identifying
information. Or, if they do not
want their voice on the radio, I am happy
to read aloud the parts of their
interview to be included in the
documentary. Alternatively, if they
do want their voice on the radio, this
is their chance!
F.Y.I: Dr. Annalee Lepp in the
Department of Gender Studies is supervising
my project and you may contact her
regarding any questions you may have
about the research at 250.721.6157 or at alepp@uvic.ca.
Any potential participants may
contact me directly with their response at
Please do consider this invitation
:) I would love to hear from you!
Courtenay Nielsen