Were you asking about when someone donates a fancy bike or if someone comes in asking for help to fix up a fancy bike?
1.) Donation of a fancy bike...
We usually don't sell anything for more than $150-175, we've gotten some really nice stuff in and some people have gotten some really good deals. to stop cherry picking of bikes by volunteers (which was a problem, not to mention the fact when someone donates a bike and people gathered round like...."oooo, this would probably fit me") we put a 2 week waiting period before volunteers can purchase any donated bike. volunteers collectively price bikes. someone recently said "i want to donate a bike that was $1,000 in 1980-something, maybe you could raffle it off or something" and we may do that, depending on what it is.
2.) Someone wanting help fixing a very nice bike...
We help anyone, if someone comes in with some really shine-fancy stuff we will certainly help out, though none of us are particularly well-versed in working with road brifters. Usually (but not always) people with fancy stuff tend to give us a larger donation than our average clientele. Everyone gets the same treatment (please be patient, there's only 3 of us here tonight) and uses the same collection of dirty rags and well-used tools, hehe.
On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 5:14 PM, Brian brian@slobikekitchen.org wrote:
Hi everybody. What policies do you have or not have concerning work/help with expensive equipment. For example, what are the scenarios in your shop when a full carbon Campy Record bike walks in the door? I could be more specific with questions, but perhaps you could just comment on what discussions you've had among your organizations.
Brian SLO Bike Kitchen Co-Founder www.slobikekitchen.org
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