Hello Kylie, BICAS, Brian, and hello again Sam!
I talked with Dustin from Community Spoke yesterday. Fortunately they didn't lose all their tools as the media portrayed it, lost their box wrenches but most of the specialty bike tools still there, did lose two very important cargo bikes. Maybe donations would still be helpful. Great to see the national network taking notice and trying to help, and you should check out their website at http://thecommunityspoke.org/ and you can contact Alex or others there at thecommunityspoke@gmail.com I'll cc them too, I don't know if they are on the ThinkTank list and would be great for them to get connected if they aren't already.The Community Spoke is a really cool resource here in Boston!
-Arik Bikes Not Bombs
From: Brian K slobrian@gmail.com Date: November 15, 2012 11:47:43 AM EST To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] The Community Spoke in Boston robbed?! Reply-To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org
This is so horrible. Talk about stealing directly from your community.
I have extra tools which I could send their way. If you're already talking to them, perhaps you can send info back to the list concerning whether they are ready to accept shipments and where to send?
On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 8:02 AM, Samantha Herr samanthazherr@gmail.com wrote: That's an awesome idea, Kylie! I've contacted Community Spoke! about your sentiments.
On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 11:52 PM, Kylie Walzak bicas@bicas.org wrote: Hi Think Tankers -
A friend alerted me to this story:
Anyone know any more details? More importantly, can we come together as a community and crowd source some financial support to help get this group back on their feet? Who has contact with The Community Spoke?
-Kylie Walzak
love, peace, and bicycle grease~ your friends at BICAS
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Arik Grier Operations & Outreach Director Bikes Not Bombs www.bikesnotbombs.org 617-522-0222 x100