We've talked many times at collective meetings about using craigslist as we have a huge inventory of used parts and bikes, but every time it gets shot down.
It comes down to the fact that in trying to be an affordable community bike shop, we are priced below the market value for parts, frames and used bikes. If it became widely known via craigslist that we were, speculators would descend on our project and buy up all the decent stuff for resale online. We'd make more money but it would deprive those who use our shops for repair or bike building, which is our mission. Craigslist is definitely populated by bike speculators, at least in our town, so we are hesitant to be a presence there.
However, for a less established community bike shop looking to build up capital or promote services, craigslist could be awesome.
Simon Yellow Bike Project, Austin, TX
Rich Points wrote:
Hey All, Craigs has been a great way to clear the showroom when it's overstocked or you need to raise some quick cash. I just posted a couple of our bikes on Craigslist and thought I'd share it with you. Please have a look at it and respond with your comments. How is your collective using Craigs?