Dear think tank,
I few years ago, I set up a flickr account to host bike collective photos. I have a dream of documenting the amazing thing we are doing. I'd love for everyone to contribute a photo of their bike shop. *Specifically, this photo library serves to help people see how shops organize themselves. *
Please send 1-3 photos of your shop to:
*merely32been@photos.flickr.com merely32been@photos.flickr.com (it's just some secret email address you get with the account so you can easily upload photos, the name has nothing to do with anything)*
Please make the title of the email "bike collective name" - "city", "state or province" "zip code", (country if you want to) Ex: Bike Farm - Portland, OR 97211
You can see the photos here:
fun exercise, google image search "bike collective photos". https://www.google.com/search?q=bike+collective+photos&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=gMQlUYe7AsWbiQe8_YFY&ved=0CC8QsAQ&biw=1280&bih=626 makes you smile.
cheers, -momoko
p.s. if you want the password to the flickr account just let me know.