It may be that once you purchase it, it will cover your events throughout the year. So, depending on the number of events you have, it may be worth it. You might also consider partnering with someone who has great insurance or posting the fee as a sponsorship opportunity. Maybe you could let a separate vendor handle just the alcohol service?
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 11:15 PM, scott@gknightride.org wrote:
Hi all from Colorado!
We are looking for a new insurance underwriter and agent for special event insurance. Our old agent, RV Nuccio, no longer writes in Colorado, and we have had great coverage with them in the past. The policy was underwritten by Western Heritage Ins. Co. under the Nat'l Alliance of Special Event Planners. The American Specialty Ins. Co. rates and coverage listed by the League seems in now way competitive with a crazy high rate.
We have a community bike event coming up in June and are looking for some leads for special event insurance (liability). The event is not a race, just a big cruiser ride with an expo, etc. At the expo/festival we will be selling beer as part of the fundraiser, so need liquor liability to cover as well.
Anyone have any leads for agents for this insurance plan or other crazy good rates? Thanks!
Scott Conlin Bicycle Longmont 3rd annual G'Knight Ride Longmont, CO
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