Hi Luke,
Anyone is welcome to reply to me if you're interested in an alternative space to organize/chat outside of this network. It sucks to fork/branch/divide efforts made here, but it's going to happen if not managed internally. I've had a chat with BikeCollective organizers, and they have done a whole bunch of work to organize this email listserv archive but it seems they are not interested/don't have the time/space/money to maintain any more than what exists here.
Your chat with BikeCollective organizers could have been with one of many different people, but there have never been official organizers, rather we are all people like yourself, who recognize a need for improvements, and are motivated to volunteer to make that happen. I recall when you first brought up a discussion with "BikeCollective admins" at the end of January. Hopefully, you are still not referring to that same chat because it is not an accurate portrayal of the real story. Ironically, I think what is missing here is your own lack of participation in the ongoing conversations.
Those conversations happen twice a month, and you are welcome to join in. I'll send you a link for our next meeting this Thursday. Hope you can attend!