Of course it was you Ainsley!! Thank you for this, I really love it. I was thinking of doing a follow up later in the session where they pair up again and make banana splits for each other. It's for a workshop on facilitation, so I was thinking the first segment would be great to show how facilitation is about making something transparent for someone else, but then later I want to talk about self care and grounding, so.....dessert? Maybe not totally universal but a good start ;)
x sunny
*Sunny Nestler*, *Programs Manager* AMS Bike Co-op University of British Columbia 604-822-2453 | bikecoop.ca | @ubcbike
On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 8:14 AM Cécile Korn cecilekorn@free.fr wrote:
Very funny, and smart 😊, thanks.
*From:* Thethinktank thethinktank-bounces@lists.bikecollectives.org *On Behalf Of *Ainsley Naylor *Sent:* mardi 27 novembre 2018 16:48 *To:* The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org *Subject:* Re: [TheThinkTank] how to peel a banana
Hey all,
I lead (past tense and present tense!) the Hands Off Teaching workshops at Bike!Bike!
Someone always asks me for my workshop notes and they are not super coherent unless you are me, so I'm reluctant to post them here, but will happily email them if anyone wants to check them out.
*In regards to the Fruit Activity, here's the deal:*
This activity was originally done with mangoes and knives at Bike!Bike! 2010! but I can't always find mangoes, and this year I couldn't travel with a dozen steak knives in my bag ;) In the past we have also used apples, oranges and bananas.
The purpose of the activity is to have folks split up and attempt to engage in Hands Off Teaching where one participant is instructing and the other participant is trying to complete an action (peeling/slicing a fruit) only by following the directions they have been given. An added instruction is that they person with the fruit doesn't know what it is and hasn't interacted with it before (like a front derailleur, haha).
Because there are so many people in the workshop we usually have other folks observing each group as well.
*What are the goals?*
To reflect upon the concepts and challenges of teaching in a DIY space which we have already discussed during the workshop which include: keeping Hands Off while assisting and instructing
Clear, understandable instruction including describing tasks and possible outcomes
Collaborative teamwork including asking questions (from both sides) and positive feedback
successful completion of goal, through whatever path you collectively determine to be achievable
After giving folks 5-10 minutes to do the activity we come back together to share feedback on the experience. The *pretend you've never seen a banana before* part is always the most difficult and funniest part of the challenge.
Hope that helps!
On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 7:41 AM wormsign@gmail.com wrote:
On Nov 26, 2018, at 15:35, Sunny Nestler programs@bikecoop.ca wrote:
Hey everyone,
Can someone explain to me how you facilitated the peeling a banana segment of the "Hands Off Wrenching" workshop at the LA Bike!Bike! ? I didn't go to that workshop but it sounded really cool, and someone from my shop went and was describing it to me. I think I wanna use it in a workshop I'm leading but I want more info! Also thinking of incorporating a banana split follow up activity, because those are delicious!
*Sunny Nestler*, *Programs Manager*
AMS Bike Co-op
University of British Columbia
604-822-2453 | bikecoop.ca | @ubcbike
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