B!KE offers a combo lock with each earned bicycle and in our last Earn-A-Bike session we specifically teach how to lock a bike.
Many youth do still trade, or sometimes sell, their bicycles. Our official policy is that you can't earn another bike for one year.
Best, Tegan
On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 4:18 PM, < thethinktank-request@lists.bikecollectives.org> wrote:
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Today's Topics:
- tracking of bikes (Kim Schaffer)
- Re: tracking of bikes (Earn-A-Bike)
- Interbike Badges 2016 (Tiff Mueller)
- Interbike Dates 2016 (Tiff Mueller)
- Re: Interbike Badges 2016 (Stephen Andruski)
- BICAS is hiring! (BICAS Hiring)
- Fwd: Working Bikes Communications Coordinator Position Available (Paul Fitzgerald)
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Kim Schaffer kim@communitybikeworks.org To: "'The Think Tank'" thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Cc: Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 10:58:08 -0400 Subject: [TheThinkTank] tracking of bikes
Hi, all!
We are Community Bike Works, a youth development program in Allentown, PA. We plan to serve about 500 youth in our Earn a Bike and Junior Earn a Bike programs this year.
Often our students will report that their bikes have been lost or stolen within several months of their earning them. Has anyone implemented any shop procedures that work well to track the bikes that leave their shop, or otherwise to prevent/deter thefts, especially for young people?
Thank you for any thoughts you may have,
Kim Schaffer
Kim Schaffer, Executive Director
Community Bike Works
235 N. Madison Street
Allentown, PA 18102
610.434.1140 | www.communitybikeworks.org
[image: 20 years FINAL]
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Earn-A-Bike cristian@earnabikecoop.org To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Cc: Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 10:16:09 -0500 Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] tracking of bikes Kim,
Our experience on the West Side in San Antonio. Im not saying that this happens to all but to give you a perspective on what could be happening.
- They are trading the bikes. - Like adults, kids get bored of their
bikes and they start trading their bikes for others with their firends. Once the notice that the one they trades is not in good condition, they come back to us for another bike. They fear that if they tell us that they traded the bike we will not let them participate in the program again and they tell us that someone stole it. How do we know. We conduct follow up interviews with the parent and they tell us what happended.
- Most of our kids live in small apartments and parent will not let them
keep the bikes inside the house. They leave them out and of course, someone will come by and take it. In this situation there is little you could do.
- Sadly but true, some of our kids parents pawn them and sell them to get
a beer. They are so embarassed to tell us that telling us it got stolen is a better option.
This has worked for us. You want to look at your kids and see if it applies.
- We beleive them - we assume that they are telling the truth and help
them out. 2. We have loaner bikes - We have a higher demand of black and dark color bmx bikes and less demand on pink and purple. So we duck tape the Pink and Purple Bikes and offer them as loaners until they can earn another bike. Funny, those dont get traded, stolen, lost or pawned. Condition to start Earn A Bike is to bring the loaner back. 3. We worked a deal with the city in that they provided us with Helmets, lights and starting this year, locks. They are inexpensive locks but they make it a bit more troublesome to steal it. 4. We have friends of the Co-op visiting flee markets, pawn showps, looking on craigslist and facebook market place, but only once have we recovered a bike.
I hope this helps trigger some ideas. If you come up with something let us know.
Forgive the spelling mistakes, need to get back to work. :)
On Jul 13, 2016, at 9:58 AM, Kim Schaffer kim@communitybikeworks.org wrote:
Hi, all!
We are Community Bike Works, a youth development program in Allentown, PA. We plan to serve about 500 youth in our Earn a Bike and Junior Earn a Bike programs this year.
Often our students will report that their bikes have been lost or stolen within several months of their earning them. Has anyone implemented any shop procedures that work well to track the bikes that leave their shop, or otherwise to prevent/deter thefts, especially for young people?
Thank you for any thoughts you may have, Kim Schaffer
Kim Schaffer, Executive Director Community Bike Works 235 N. Madison Street Allentown, PA 18102 610.434.1140 | www.communitybikeworks.org
The ThinkTank mailing List <a href=" http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org">Unsubscribe from this list</a>
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Tiff Mueller comedytiff@hotmail.com To: "thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org" < thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org> Cc: Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 16:52:08 +0000 Subject: [TheThinkTank] Interbike Badges 2016
Hi All! Interbike's way, way around the corner, September 14th-18th with the Outdoor Demo the two days before. As you probably know, the industry's dog-and-pony show is a great environment for Collectives to meet retailers and shop owners and let them know about all the great ways to get involved with what we do on a local and national level.
Last year we didn't get a ticket confirmation until the LAST MINUTE, which was annoying, so I wanted to reach out to the network early this year with two things.
- Would you like to go and get a (free) ticket through us?
- What resources should we bring to bear and share with the cycling
If you'd like to go, sign up on this sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ryv4e0wSR21-9LXoMRrLxjHbG6eafAzTmg4CSmVANx8/edit#gid=6 and fill out the relevant tabs. Going to Interbike with us comes with responsibility: Firstly, everyone attending has to sign up for two shifts at the Bicycle Collective Network booth (*third tab below*), where we'll be representing the Bicycle Collective and the Alliance for Walking and Biking. Secondly, we will not tolerate conduct that doesn't represent us favorably to the rest of the bicycling industry. Being inconsiderate of an exhibitor's time, heckling for swag or deals from people you haven't developed a relationship with or who haven't clearly offered that sort of thing, or generally behaving like a child will earn you a boot from the show. We're not willing to jeopardize the reputation of the Bicycle Collective Network.
Barring major conflicts, we'd also like to do a night out for Collective folks on Tuesday night, the night before the show, where we would briefly go over our responsibilities formally and then just kick back, catch up across the city, state, and national lines between our different shops.
*Sign up:* *https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ryv4e0wSR21-9LXoMRrLxjHbG6eafAzTmg4C... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ryv4e0wSR21-9LXoMRrLxjHbG6eafAzTmg4CSmVANx8/edit#gid=6*
*2. How should we represent the Bike Collective Network? *
In years past, the question we're most asked at the booth is "Who's the local collective in our neck of the woods?"
To answer this question, we have a print-out of the organizations listed on the Bicycle Collectives Wiki:
Is this the most current and representative list? Or is there a more current resource out there, like the organizations tab on bikecollectives.org? http://www.bikecollectives.org/#organizations
What else would allow us to better connect the industry to our needs and interests this year?
For example, the Salt Lake/Ogden/Provo Shop is always looking for (utility) tube sealant donors and companies that make solid tubes. When I find out a company has a distributor in a given area, I try to get their blemished/overstock/recall items donated to local collectives.
Beyond that, let me know if there's anything else we should try and tout! And I'll send a follow up out later when tickets are secured. Thank you all and I'm excited for another great year!
-Tiff Mueller San Francisco Bicycle Rescue and Yellow Bike Project
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Tiff Mueller comedytiff@hotmail.com To: "thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org" < thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org> Cc: Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 16:56:02 +0000 Subject: [TheThinkTank] Interbike Dates 2016
Sorry about that, I got the dates wrong from last year.
The dates are September 19th and 20th for the Outdoor Demo and September 21st to the 23rd for the Indoor Expo.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Stephen Andruski swandruski@gmail.com To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Cc: Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 13:04:31 -0400 Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Interbike Badges 2016 Is there a way to get added to the list? My group, The Rockville Bike Hub, in Rockville MD is not there. Here's our website: www.rockvillebikehub.org
Also, except for running bike donation collections, Bikes for the World no longer has a presence in Rockville.
Steve Andruski
On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 12:52 PM, Tiff Mueller comedytiff@hotmail.com wrote:
Hi All! Interbike's way, way around the corner, September 14th-18th with the Outdoor Demo the two days before. As you probably know, the industry's dog-and-pony show is a great environment for Collectives to meet retailers and shop owners and let them know about all the great ways to get involved with what we do on a local and national level.
Last year we didn't get a ticket confirmation until the LAST MINUTE, which was annoying, so I wanted to reach out to the network early this year with two things.
- Would you like to go and get a (free) ticket through us?
- What resources should we bring to bear and share with the cycling
If you'd like to go, sign up on this sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ryv4e0wSR21-9LXoMRrLxjHbG6eafAzTmg4CSmVANx8/edit#gid=6 and fill out the relevant tabs. Going to Interbike with us comes with responsibility: Firstly, everyone attending has to sign up for two shifts at the Bicycle Collective Network booth (*third tab below*), where we'll be representing the Bicycle Collective and the Alliance for Walking and Biking. Secondly, we will not tolerate conduct that doesn't represent us favorably to the rest of the bicycling industry. Being inconsiderate of an exhibitor's time, heckling for swag or deals from people you haven't developed a relationship with or who haven't clearly offered that sort of thing, or generally behaving like a child will earn you a boot from the show. We're not willing to jeopardize the reputation of the Bicycle Collective Network.
Barring major conflicts, we'd also like to do a night out for Collective folks on Tuesday night, the night before the show, where we would briefly go over our responsibilities formally and then just kick back, catch up across the city, state, and national lines between our different shops.
*Sign up:* *https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ryv4e0wSR21-9LXoMRrLxjHbG6eafAzTmg4C... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ryv4e0wSR21-9LXoMRrLxjHbG6eafAzTmg4CSmVANx8/edit#gid=6*
*2. How should we represent the Bike Collective Network? *
In years past, the question we're most asked at the booth is "Who's the local collective in our neck of the woods?"
To answer this question, we have a print-out of the organizations listed on the Bicycle Collectives Wiki:
Is this the most current and representative list? Or is there a more current resource out there, like the organizations tab on bikecollectives.org? http://www.bikecollectives.org/#organizations
What else would allow us to better connect the industry to our needs and interests this year?
For example, the Salt Lake/Ogden/Provo Shop is always looking for (utility) tube sealant donors and companies that make solid tubes. When I find out a company has a distributor in a given area, I try to get their blemished/overstock/recall items donated to local collectives.
Beyond that, let me know if there's anything else we should try and tout! And I'll send a follow up out later when tickets are secured. Thank you all and I'm excited for another great year!
-Tiff Mueller San Francisco Bicycle Rescue and Yellow Bike Project
The ThinkTank mailing List <a href=" http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org">Unsubscribe from this list</a>
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." ~ Abraham Lincoln
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: BICAS Hiring hiring@bicas.org To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Cc: Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 10:14:02 -0700 Subject: [TheThinkTank] BICAS is hiring! BICAS is currently hiring Shop Mechanics/Collective Members! We are willing to consider applicants from out of town who are willing to relocate to Tucson by September and who have specific skills, knowledge, &/or experience, which may include:
- Collective decision-making experience
- Experience working/volunteering in similar bike collective
- Knowledge of the southern border region
- Native speakers of Spanish, French, &/or various African languages
- Experience working with refugees
- Experienced DIY/DIT (Do-it-Yourself/Do-it-Together) style teachers
- Experience working with volunteers
- Experience with youth programming
Please see the link below for further details and application instructions:
Thank you! ~The BICAS hiring team
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Paul Fitzgerald paul@workingbikes.org To: undisclosed-recipients:; Cc: Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 12:51:46 -0500 Subject: [TheThinkTank] Fwd: Working Bikes Communications Coordinator Position Available
Please forward as appropriate:
Working Bikes is looking to fill the position of Communications Coordinator. This person would be responsible for all communications with our existing and potential bicycle donors, event coordination and social media. They should be a self-starter with excellent communication skills, both written and spoken. The position is full-time with a flexible schedule, pays 28-32k annually, has a health insurance stipend beginning at 6 months and includes 2 weeks paid time off after a year. Full description is attached.
Interested applicants should email their resume and a cover letter to j Paul@workingbikes.orgobs@workingbikes.org. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions.
-- Paul Fitzgerald General Manager, Working Bikes 2434 S. Western, Chicago, IL 60608 773-847-5440
Store Hours: Wed + Thurs- 12-7pm Fri + Sat - 12-5pm
Volunteer Hours: Tues- 5-9pm Wed- 12-5pm Sat- 12-5pm
“El socialismo puede llegar solo en la bicicleta."
"Socialism can only arrive by bicycle."
-José Antonio Viera Gallo, Assistant Secretary of Justice in the government of Salvador Allende
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org