Hey There, Ollin from GDL en Bici / Rila Libre; we are currently waiting from some data from the previous organizations to make a decision, but we are thinking it's gonna be either the first week of october (1-5) or the week before. We heard from one collectives that some work programs start on october and they will prefer if it was earlier. We don't really have many parameters to decide one way or the other so if you have any idea we should consider then we'd like to hear it.
Good riding!
On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 1:50 PM, DCoppley@intercitytransit.com wrote:
Hey everyone, I was bummed to have to miss the 2014 bike!bike! gathering, and am trying to plan ahead for 2015.
*Does anyone know if a date <tentative is ok> set for the 2015 bike!bike! gathering?*
David Coppley
Walk n’ Roll Program Assistant
Intercity Transit
PO Box 659 Olympia, WA 98501
Find us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/BicycleCommuterContest
[image: WalkNRoll_HZ_RGB]
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