I don't think this has been posted to the list before, I'm surprised Josh didn't let us know sooner :-) Ryan Van Duzer is riding a New Belgium three speed across the US raising money for Community Cycles in Boulder, filming for his blog and a newspaper, and doing bike advocacy. His blog and info are here: http://ryanvanduzer.com/
He's a really cool guy, we hung out and rode with him while he was in Tempe this past weekend, and he was at BICAS in Tucson today. While he was in town he did some filming at Bike Saviours and with another bike advocacy group I'm involved in, TBAG. Check out his route to see if he's coming your way, he should be heading through Las Cruces and Albuquerque next.
http://ryanvanduzer.com/*Ryan Guzy* Bike Saviours Tempe, AZ www.bikesaviours.org