Salesforce with the nonprofit plugin. Powerful, quirky, most folks can use it, though did I mention quirky? We track volunteer hours, and even easily enough Earn a Bike credit/debit. Folks can trade hours for bike, parts, tubes etc. Great donor management, lousy but functional reporting, export to Google Sheets (reports show in spreadsheet) 
And oh yeah, it's free, web based, and customizable.

-------- Original message --------
From: Mary-Catherine Graziano
Date:06/20/2017 12:32 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: The Think Tank
Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Need Advice for Volunteer Management Software

We manage 100+ volunteers with  It's not perfect (the ads are annoying,) but it provides the majority of the functionality that we want, and all of the functionality that we need.  Non-computer savvy folks have trouble with it, but for anyone with a basic grasp of computer skills, it works just fine.

Mary Catherine Graziano
Education and Volunteer Manager
Local Motion
1 Steele St., Burlington, VT  05401
phone: 802-861-2700 ext. 106
fax: 802-861-3096

We offer: Kids' Bike Skills Programs for schools, recreation programs and summer camps:

AND Bike Skills Programs for adults:


On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 1:08 PM, A Westphal <> wrote:
Hello all,

Short message
please reply and let me know what software programs your group uses to coordinate your volunteers!  I'm also happy to hear about donor management/CRM and any other software which makes your organization run smoothly.

Longer message:
Common Cycle in Ann Arbor, MI is working to transition from mobile operations to a fixed space.  To prepare, we want to get a grasp on who our volunteers are, how much they volunteer, how we can help them volunteer more, etc etc.  Currently we create event sign-ups in Google Sheets and event check-ins in Google Forms.  It seems that a volunteer management software would be the best solution to manage our people as we expand.
I know this topic has been covered in the ThinkTank before, and I've used the Archive resources (and Wikia things too) to create a fairly comprehensive list of available programs.  Once I have your feedback, which I hope will be more cooperative-specific than my current list, I'm planning to share the results with this list and I hope it can be helpful for others.

Thanks for your input: I look forward to your responses.

Cheers from Michigan
Andrew Westphal


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