here are some photos of the shop i used to work at. it was still a work in progress. We divided the benches into more admin (high stool), public (low table) and workhorse (real bench).
Storage was always an issue.
Hoping for a much bigger space next time.
We had tried to divide things a bit between public and private, so that customers would be less inclined to walk straight into the main work space. Still was a work in progress when I left.
On 1 May 2018 at 02:30, Ulick O'Beirne ulickobeirne@gmail.com wrote:
Hi there guys-
We're in the process of looking for a premises and would love to hear and see what thoughts others might have put in to designing and building their workshops- and if you want to show off some really good pictures that'd be great too!
Much obliged,