Hello all!
You have all been so helpful in the past regarding our questions about rebuilding our youth programs, and now I ask to lean on your collective experience yet again.
Our current questions are:
- How do you determine the expectations, benefits, boundaries, &
consequences of disrespecting those boundaries for youth in your space? For example, in a classroom we might involve all participants in creating a contract together, but in a fluctuating space, where people come and go daily, what is an effective way to have common guidelines that does not disempower youth?
Does your organization have a Youth Leadership Program? If so...
- How does a young person become involved in leadership?
- Has your program changed/grown as it has become more established? What
has that journey been like?
- Does your program have additional expectations for youth designated as
leaders? (i.e. Do they have extra privileges and responsibilities? What kinds of behaviors might put their leadership status in jeopardy?)
And last but certainly not least...
- *Do standards for their behavior extend beyond the walls of your
building? (i.e. Must they be enrolled in school? What if they are seen fighting, bullying, or riding dangerously out in the community? etc.)*
Thank you in advance for any/all wisdom you can offer.
~Carlyn Arteaga
BICAS Collective Member & Youth Education