I wish our shop had space for a trailer-rental program, because there
certainly is a demand.
I've built a few no-weld trailers out of electrical conduit, and have
plans at my website:
and: http://drumbent.com/trailer_big.html
The one special tool needed for this no-weld design is a conduit
bender (rentable), and I gave up on home-made hitches and use
commercial ones.
I also post various trailer projects and ideas on my blog, along with
photos sent in by others that have used the plans:
For my serious hauling needs I built a cargo trike, but I don't rent
it out. ;)
Mark re-Cycles Bicycle Co-op http://re-cycles.ca
On 13-Feb-09, at 11:39 AM, veganboyjosh@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Rigel,
josh from community cycles here.
we're thinking about getting a trailer checkout/rental program at
our shop in either the fall or next spring. i've got some ideas and
concerns, and many of them won't really get fleshed or flushed out
until we get the program going.i am interested in hearing what kinds of things you're doing, or
thinking of doing. i'm happy to work collaboratively to come up
with something that makes both our worlds more trailer-riffic.we're actually meeting with a few guys next week who want to come
in and lead a workshop on trailer building and use in our shop.
we're looking for a welding rig for the class, but i'd also like to
showcase some no-weld options for people who don't have access or
skills to use a welder.i'd be VERY interested to see or hear about some bike-part-based
trailers that folks out there have built. I know caretakers in san
francisco (where we stayed for bikebike!, thanks to them again!!!)
had one that was awesome, and probably the best design i've seen of
strictly bike parts, no welds necessary trailers. if anyone has any
pictures of that specific one, or any other no-weld versions,
please post them to the wiki, or send them to me off list, and i
can post them to the wiki...thanks!
On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 11:58 PM, Rigel Christian
rigelc@gmail.com wrote: Hi,I'm curious how many shops loan out trailers in some form or another.
how many trailer share/rental program are there through advocacy organization? if you have one in your area, please describe it.
If you have general ideas of how often trailers get borrowed in your area, i'd love to hear about that too.
My impression is that a nuimber of these programs exist, but they are under-utilized. I need more data points. help me out.