here's our path:
'96: free cycles forms to advance community cycling 2000: missoula institute for sustainable transportation forms to address safe and accessible cycling, clean air, equity, street design, etc.
2003: free cycles brought under mist umbrella
2007: works well; free cycles does the 'non-political' restore/teach bike stuff, mist does the 'in the trenches research, design and advocacy' work.
in essence, we have many overlapping circles of people doing related yet distinct work.
i think there is no magic formula, only organically growing circles of people and organization(s)
i also think we have reached a collective awareness of sustainability/bicycle issues that the same people working on 'non-political' community bike programs (these programs are actually very political and effective in a quiet way), can be very direct about the need for bicycle friendly infrastructures.
mist was able to help get a road diet in place last year, which made many people angry (and many people very happy). the 4-lane to 3-lane conversion is working great, for bikes, walkers, and even motor vehicles (slow and smooth car flow).
a new group just formed here, with different circles of people: the bike walk alliance for missoula.
here is why mist and free cycles are under one umbrella: the experiences, excitement, trials and errors of the community bike shop help inform mist as to what people desire and practice with regards to cycling; conversely, the research, design and collaboration of a larger sustainable transportation movement helps guide what projects to undertake with the mountains of bicycles and people energy that flow into the shop every day.
-bob giordano