14 Dec
14 Dec
11:50 a.m.
Good People, So Bici Centro of Santa Barbara is finally legit- we obtained fiscal sponsorship from our local bicycle coalition on December 4th, and are hoping all the hurdles to getting bank accounts, vendors number, liability insurance, financial 'books' and all that good stuff. Of course this means that we don't do any under the tabley stuff and cover our butt's. So here's a big question we are trying to deal with properly:
How do we legitimately sell bikes?
In other words- do we have people sign a release similar to if they build the bike themselves?
do we have a special insurance for selling bikes?
can the price be a donation, or is it a taxable payment?
is there any advice you all could send our way on the question of being a non-profit selling bikes.
All the best from fair Santa Barbara,
Ed France BiciCentro.org