I know hospitals are generally a good source for free/cheap helmets.  Here in Portland, Trauma Nurses Talk Tough is that source.  

On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 10:26 AM, Mary-Catherine Graziano <marycatherine@localmotion.org> wrote:
I'm asking because NHTSA just issued a memo saying that funding for bike lights and helmets, etc would no longer be allowed (unless it is for personnel) under the grant funds that we receive for the Governor's Highway Safety Program.  Allowed purchases for supplies must fall under the following categories (summarized): 1) awards for giving away at ceremonies 2) advertisements  3) safety gear for personnel only, or for loaning out and taking back (say, at a bike rodeo), or 4) written educational material (on CD, paper, thumb drive, etc).

If you receive funding from NHTSA, and have encountered this memo--how do you support your bike light and helmet initiatives?

Any information would be incredibly helpful!  Thank you!

Mary Catherine Graziano

Outreach and Education Manager
Local Motion
1 Steele St., Burlington, VT  05401


We offer: Kids' Bike Skills Programs for schools, recreation programs and summer camps: www.kohlskidsbikesmart.org

AND Bike Skills Programs for adults: http://www.localmotion.org/education/everydaybicyclingproject



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