If I may join the conversation, I have been following all of you for the last two or three weeks.
Amazing work you are all doing. You have given me new ideas and thought of direction with a concept of exercise and bicycling that I have been working with and am preparing to bring to fruition. Thank you for that.
I have numerous thoughts, questions and comments at another point too if I may.
But I have recently picked up on your question regarding the "Occupy" movement.
I would urge you all to get involved, as individuals, and as the organization which you are affiliated with.
On a political level....its your duty. On a literal level, to not be involved with one organization is to support the other: In this case, to support "Occupy" is to support change, to not support Occupy is to support things as they are.
On a purely bicycle level...one of the reason IBD have such a tough time of it, is that our small business rules and regulations have become obstacles to success. The current economic climate is putting the kabash on bicycle or rail trail growth and maintenance. Domestic manufacturing of bikes and related gear is forced out due largely to the high cost of manufacturing in our nation.
No matter the level on which you care to look at things, our once lovely leading nation has become a place for the financially greedy to practice one thing: Consolidation of wealth.
As time has past in our nation, and because of the value and priorities new wealth is not being sought or created with the aggressiveness our nation was known for.
As a result, the more common way to grow wealth has become consolidation of existing wealth...or taking from the lower classes, and keeping for the upper classes.
In a nut shell this is what Occupy is protesting.
While much media lip service has been given to the "unfocused or garbled" message of Occupy, it is only because media is used to functioning at a 7th grade level. There is no lack of clarity as to the Occupy message. Its one of frustration with things as they are. Its one of frustration with wealth consolidation rather than wealth creation. Its one of unequal access to both wealth creation and wealth distribution.
If there is anything unclear about that...all the more reason to get involved with Occupy...and further clarify the message.
Thank you all for your time and consideration. I hope you will consider supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement anyway you can.
Its our America, and its time we took it back and asked it to perform as it should: By [ALL] the People and For [ALL] the people.
No offense intended to anyone or any organization. Responses welcome and encouraged. Your time and consideration are appreciated.
Matt Fen
-----Original Message----- From: Harold Baranoff zvibaranoff@gmail.com To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Sent: Wed, Oct 12, 2011 10:48 pm Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Occupy Movement
I personally encourage your organization to support the Occupation Movement. We need to step up and support the move toward a sustainable and livable future and that will require ongoing political action.
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 9:22 PM, Leslie Peteya lesliepeteya@gmail.com wrote:
Our co-op is founded upon similar values (environmental, sustainability, fitness, community, recycling, etc.), but we lack the time and volunteer energy at the moment to be getting involved with all other movements. We are operating more on the level of say, getting to see our sister co-op up the road for the first time all year. I also don't want to see our organization be affected by the common "mission creep", where instead of focusing on a specific mission, we stretch ourselves way too thin to really be effective.
Best, Leslie Durham Bike Co-op
On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 10:29 PM, Dugan Meyer dugan.meyer@gmail.com wrote:
I think a bike project such as MoBo should absolutely make a well-worded public statement of affinity for the movement that does not advocate or imply material support (which is the business of individual members, sub- or affiliated groups, etc).
The Occupy movement is no more "political" than a bike project like MoBo (which is very much political), and in fact is founded upon nearly the same values: community empowerment, inclusive and imaginative decision-making, ecological consciousness (and the inclusive of such as an important part of social decision-making), transparent and accountable leadership, and systems of exchange that focus on worth over value. Not issuing a statement of support seems to me irresponsible and akin to failing to publicly stand up for the very values that root your mission statement.
Regarding a concern with nonprofit status, to my mind there is no conflict with such a statement. The terminology of "political" used in that legal framework is incomplete and the product of a system of order that works against the goals of projects like MoBo. The co-op should be bold and continue to do political labor as it already does.
[I must note here that a few months ago when I participated in MoBo I may not have so strongly argued for this action. Since then, however, I moved to Guadalajara, Mexico and have been working with a couple of organizations who, quite frankly, put many of the mobility/bike organizations I knew in the States to shame with their boldness and energy. They are Ciudad para todos (City for Everyone) and GDL en Bici.] They are both fiercely (!) nonpartisan and yet extremely politically active. And they are building power for real change in this city and becoming serious examples for activists across Mexico and Latin America.]
Dugan Meyer
On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 7:17 PM, MoBo Bicycle Co-op mobobicyclecoop@gmail.com wrote:
Is any other bike co-op considering making a statement in support of your local Occupy movement? Many of our volunteers are involved and are curious if we are planning to do so as an organization so we are sending out feelers.
Thank you!
Ellie Jones MoBo