Instead of drawer slides, how about wheels underneath? A la skateboard trucks or shopping cart casters?
On Sat, Mar 23, 2019 at 11:33 AM Josh Capps < thegoodtimesarekillingme@gmail.com> wrote:
Huge kudos to the fine folks at the Corvallis Bicycle Collective for putting together such excellent documentation and continued revisions. One element I have thought may be useful is to make the bottom level of bikes slide out, like a giant IKEA kitchen drawer. Not sure if that is asking for a need that isn't there or helping spark ideas on how it could be done (because I'm not sure where you obtain sliders of that magnitude).
Josh Capps Corvallis, Oregon
On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 11:25 AM Jonathan Rosenbaum gnuser@gmail.com wrote:
One of our Positive Spin's volunteers, Scott Soderholm, inquired about the Corvallis 12 Bike Display Rack Building Instructions, and he built his own prototype (photo attached). Below is the link to the Corvallis instructions:
Thanks to Austin for your generosity in sharing your 2-level bike display design. I've built a version for my own garage to get a feel for it and to store our 15 bikes. (Hey, that's _only_ 3/person for our family...)
Next, we'll use this design to organize Positive Spin's new garage space in Morgantown, WV!
One note on my own build: Not having a compound miter saw, I built the "floor" sections flat instead of angling down at 10 degrees, and decreased the slope from a rise of ~12" at the back to only ~5". There's a somewhat unsightly gap at the back where it angles, but it seems plenty strong (I was standing on it for a while to add a bonus tandem hook to the left side.) Austin's instructions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/ 1xZWsy_zNyFqeDMzePZxFYoHPiYmO-3ztAqM5wSJmiv4/edit?usp=sharing
Thanks to Whitman for bringing this design to our attention on The Think Tank!
On 2018-09-12 01:52, Whitman Spitzer wrote:
Hello, Are you talking about a rack to store two rows of bikes, one on top of the other? This is our primary form of bike storage for our shopcovallis inventory, we built the racks ourselves. I would be happy to supply pics, details, measurements etc. as I was not personally the one responsible for constructing them. I'm actually not sure if it was someone from the shop or someone from the local university (like an architecture student) looking to help us out. I might even be able to find plans for them. They are constructed pretty simply, with one beam with with a section of halved, large diameter ABS pipe for the wheels to rest in and a hook at the back to hold the rear wheel. Actually, (and I'm sorry if this breaches etiquette for this listserve thingy) check out our instagram @corvallisbikes for some pics of the rack setup. It works really well!
P.S. Apologies for the terrible style of this email. It's late and I don't want to go through and edit. Have a wonderful evening whoever reads this!
-Whit (volunteer loudmouth with the corvallis bicycle collective)
On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 3:17 PM Tigre Bici bici.uanl@gmail.com wrote:
Hello everyone We are thinking on buying/making a 2 floor bike rack to save some space and have more bikes in a small space. Do anyone have experience on them? Any insights on we shall make it or buy it?
R. ____________________________________
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