I'm as excited as a bumble bee, y'all.
Also there is allot of interest in bikeing down to New Orleans from us Toronto people...we might have to push for that as a group trip after bike bike...
Its nutty, cyclist in Toronto are planning trips up north now, as a way to protest global warming, cause five year back biking northward in december was impossible, now just nutty but doable.
Keep the ride plans coming!On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Angel York <aniola@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks kindly for the offer! We'll keep that in mind, though with an aim of arriving exactly on time.
AngelOn Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 6:12 AM, Geoffrey B <vous.je@gmail.com> wrote:
if you make it to toronto early, we can billet you up no problem...good luck and keep Bike Pirates posted.
On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Angel York <aniola@gmail.com> wrote:
_______________________________________________Hi y'all,
I'm biking from California to Bike! Bike! 2010 in Toronto! Woooot! Now I just need a few good biking buddies. Are you one of them?
About me & my touring style:
I have about 5,000 miles of longer touring experience with 3 different touring buddies. You don't have to have ever toured in your life, so long as you have a functioning bike (and I bet you do!) An average of 50-60 miles a day is a nice pace, leaves time for some reading and picnicking. I've a preference for doing it on the cheap, maybe splurging for a campsite/shower/laundry/hash browns every few days or so. I know a thing or two about bike mechanicry, but not so much that my wheels are true after I've just trued 'em. ;)
If you've any interest in coming along for all or part of the adventure, drop me a line, and we'll interact a bit, see if we might get along for the ride. I'm in Davis, California (on I-80 near Sacramento) and planning to leave more or less around June 15th. The route hasn't been established yet. I'm leaning toward using Google Maps or AdventureCycling.org.
I might also be pedaling down to New Orleans after Bike! Bike!, so if you've interest in that leg o' the journey, that's a potential option, too.
P.S. If you're from the Bike Project in New Orleans, hi! See you next winter!
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