looks like this got funded, albeit barely?
congratulations! are there stops along the way that are known yet/available for public consumption, for folks who may live along the route?
On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 6:40 PM, mustafaa ali ali.mustafaa@gmail.com wrote:
On Dec 17, 2012 6:04 PM, "Plan B" nolabikeproject@gmail.com wrote:
Hey Y'all,
As you may be aware, one of the overriding characteristics of Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project is our belief and constant practice of “practical radicalism”. We believe that one of the most efficient and practicable ways to espouse culture shift is by performing outreach and enacting mutual social aid. We've learned this in a concise manner during our history.
We made the original call for Bike!Bike! in 2004, a tradition that has progressed into an enormous gathering that crosses borders and causes global impact. We're proud to host Bike!Bike! X, the tenth gathering and conference and hope to introduce new traditions by expanding programming and offering more than ever before.
The Chainbreaker book, written by Shelley Jackson and Ethan Clark is another one of Plan B's babies and it's publishing was a definite push for DIY culture.
Due to the generosity of Working Bikes in Chicago, we have a regular supply of raw materials and used bikes that we use to teach classes and further our outreach. We have shared the bikes with new community bike projects in Mississippi and Alabama and are eager to distribute more regionally. We also use the sale of bikes to fund the space and special projects like our recent trip to present at 5th Annual National Urban Cycling Congress in Oaxaca, Mexico. We co-presented with representatives from several other community bike initiatives from across the US in an attempt to espouse more like-minded initiatives as a force of economic and social justice throughout all of the Americas. Our presentation garnered a lot of interest and we are working with several new initiatives throughout Mexico in a support and advisory role. We know that outreach is working and we expect a strong presence of Mexican allies at Bike!Bike! X.
One of the more exciting things that happened at Bike!Bike! 2012 was that race was *finally* a real topic. Contributing factors were a combination of workshops and the presence of more people of color at Bike!Bike! than ever before. The Ovarian Psychos ( http://ovarianpsycos.com/about/ ) were an impressive presence at the gathering and for the first time ever, an organized group by and for women with a strong base of people of color unified many within our group. These sisters don't mess around and they are now committed to launching their own community bike space. Plan B Ladies, Trans and Sissies night ( http://bikeproject.org/programs/ladies-trans-queer ) has committed to help them accomplish this[ and ]that's why we're asking for your support.
Our latest initiative is a little different and for the first time ever, we're crowd-sourcing the funding. Our Ladies, Trans, and Sissies night coordinators, Tracey and Alisha, are going from LA to L.A. to support the OP's and bring them resources and materials. The reason I'm sending this out to the ThinkTank and distributing this appeal far and wide (and hoping you all do the same) is that I think for many of us this is an excellent opportunity to contribute to a cause that is greater than any of us and something that's always been prevalent in our discussions of social equity within our milieu. Specifically, the topic is gender and gender oppression, and no matter how much we discuss it at a conference or try to resolve it, the bluntest truth is that the core of the hard work in achieving gender equity is done by women, for women and while males can certainly be allies and supporters, the best situation is to allow women to be self-determined and invest in their own communities devoid of patriarchy and male voices.
Won't you join us in supporting gender equity and social justice within the realm of community bike projects? Even if it's $5, anything helps for this important work to be done. The goal of $1000 is on the low side. We'd love to be able to support them fiscally and provide several tools and plant the seeds for this very important space to flourish and cause real change.
Here's the link to the indiegogo page where you can read more about it.
I'll be happy to answer any questions in this thread. Please support if you can and help spread the word.
Can't wait to see you all in October, 2013!
All the best,
-- Victor Pizarro Project Organizer Plan B, The New Orleans Community Bike Project
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