Sorry to jump in so late on this one, since your talk has already elapsed, but here's an upcoming NYC project for you: Bike Yardhttp://www.bikeyard.org. We're building out a flatbed shipping container into a community bike shop on the site of the Brooklyn Bike Park http://brooklynbikepark.org/, and are working with Chrome and some other supportive groups to create prototypes of a very mobile full service set-up to facilitate pop-up shops anywhere we want. Space is at a premium here like nowhere else, and a lot of us also worked through the Hurricane Sandy aftermath doing bike repair far from any kind of facility, so this high-mobility paradigm has a lot of appeal. BikeYard should get into gear with the eventual, long-prophesized spring thaw.
On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 7:15 PM, Ana Begej ana@spokesconnect.org wrote:
Buffalo, NY - http://gobikebuffalo.org
Ana Begej SPOKES Mechanic & Educator League Cycling Instructor #4168
SPOKES Bike Walk Connect 1915 E 22nd St Minneapolis, MN 55404 612.787.7433 ana@spokesconnect.org
On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 9:05 AM, Ainsley Naylor needleandthread@gmail.comwrote:
Sounds great, good luck with repping the community projects!
ainsley in toronto.
On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 9:40 PM, breathingplanet . < breathingplanet@gmail.com> wrote:
Greetings, My colleague and I are charged with giving a brief presentation to a big cycling club about community bike projects in NYS this coming week. I am looking to make contact with as many representatives as possible, and mainly am looking for projects in addition to the ones listed below.
Whats the context here? Well, the New York Bicycling Coalition has met with a few of us and is exploring how they can get involved in supporting the community bike project movement. For starters, they want to network us in some way and profile our work on a part of their website. but for starters... *who are we?* (and do we check email:)) The little talk we are giving will kind of kick off this endeavour in a way because the club demographically represents their 'base' to some extent.
here is a list of active projects i know of: http://bikeatoga.org/ http://troybikerescue.org http://albanybikerescue.org/ http://uticabikerescue.org/ http://www.rcommunitybikes.net/ (rochester) Electric City Bike Rescue (schenectady; no website yet) http://times-up.org/bike-co-op http://www.recycleabicycle.org/
-i have heard that there is a project at Vassar college. truth? -there used to be Biketopia in plattsburgh. still happenin? -there was once something at SUNY Cortland -anyone know whats happening in Ithaca these days? -Binghamton? Buffalo?
if you are a representative of an active NYS community bike project, please be in touch and send me a brief statement on your current 'status' and a link to a picture you think is a good representative for a powerpoint. otherwise i will do my best internet harvest.
Thanks all!
Andrew Lynn Troy Bike Rescue troy, ny
-- ------__o ----_`<,_ ---(_)/ (_) andrew lynn 518-573-7947
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