I can see where we could go offtrack reacting to the unproductive nature of the thread in question but feel that explicit actions by the moderators of our list would be unnecessary in this case. Instead we can simply delete the posts and NOT respond to future childish misdirection.
From: John Boyer worldbfree2b@yahoo.com To: thethinktank@bikecollectives.org Sent: Mon, December 28, 2009 9:31:52 PM Subject: [TheThinkTank] Rabble rousers
rabble-rouser n. a person who tries to stir up groups of people with speeches tending to arouse them to acts of violence against some existing condition, usually to serve his/her own ends. - World book Dictionary
SBK (Sacramento Bike Kitchen) went through a period where a few rabble rousers had their way and it ended up in disintegrating the org. One must shine the light of day on this person quickly and deep six them from the org. Its the only way you can restore order, production and prosperity to your community bike shop.
John Boyer. Sacramento