It troubles me that anyone was kicked out of Bike! Bike! I hope that we can get an official explanation from the organizers, explaining their reasoning, because the story as told reveals nothing that would warrant banishment.
I myself have the dubious distinction of being kicked out of one Bike! Bike! 2019 session with the reason given that it was for women only. Evidently this was for cis women only, as nobody bothered to have a conversation with me about my gender identity. I also feel that if women want to improve the world they need to be willing to raise the consciousness of all through education.
Since I am venting, a relatively minor third thing along these lines that bothers me was when I was standing near the front of a newly-opened lunch line, when some woman loudly declared that all of the men were to go to the back. I get that gender discrimination is hurtful to those who may have experienced It, but what sense does it make to impose the same hurt in return, upon different people who are innocent of offense? The men in line obediently went to the back of the line, many with eye rolls, thinking that these women were ill-mannered or unable to fairly queue up and take their turn.
In the future, I would like everyone to treat everyone else with more courtesy and respect, without regard for gender, race, or former occupation.
—Gordon Hamachi