Hi! Another Saturday, another show...this time we're bringing you:
LA Bike Planwith bikivists Stephen and Enci Box The Bike Writers Collective convenes LA Bike Working Group this Saturday at 1 pm to develop a REAL Bike Plan for Los Angeles, one with a vision, one with real imperative language and one with teeth. meeting at Hollywood Adventist Church 1711 N. Van Ness Ave. Hollywood, CA 90028see: http://LABikePlan.com
Ryan Bowen Who finds his stolen bike (call-in)
USC-Ron Milam At USC, Ron Milam, LA County Bicycle Coalition founder, teaches about the movement towards alternative transportation in Los Angeles.
please let us know if you want to be taken off this list. Hear Bike Talk! live on www.killradio.org, 10am-noon Saturdays. Call in at (213) 252-0998. Hear the podcast at kpfk.org: http://www.kpfk.org/programs/170-bike-talk.html See what's new with us at www.biketalk.us Follow us at bike_talk_kpfk on twitter.com