18 Jun
18 Jun
9:31 p.m.
Hiring Community Mechanic/Educator. 20hrs/week
BICAS (Bicycle Inter-Community Action & Salvage) is a collectively-run non-profit community education and recycling center for bicycles. We are currently seeking a qualified mechanic to fill shifts in our community shop and co-coordinate womens and trans classes/workshops. Duties include: teaching bicycle repair skills, refurbishing bikes, coordinating volunteers, assisting customers, etc. Strong mechanical and personal skills, bilingual, and commitment for long term employment a plus. $8.50/hr. Accepting resumes until Aug 1st @ 44 W. 6th St (drop in or mail) or e-mail bicas@bicas.org. Call 628-7950 for more information. www.bicas.org.
Love Peace and Bicycle Grease!
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