At the Bike Dump in Winnipeg MB there are no set prices for used parts. One of our goals is to increase accessibility to cycling and bike knowledge by addressing economic and other barriers. If we charged for used parts, many of our patrons wouldn't be able to afford them.
If people are using them to fix a bike in the shop we humbly remind them that we operate by donations, but don't really expect it. If they are leaving with a bag of parts we strongly encourage a donation, but there are always exceptions. When people do donate it is somewhat anonymous since we just ask that they put money in a drop box by the door rather than giving it to a volunteer.
We have a list of suggested donations but it only gets referred to if someone is unsure what would be appropriate.
We have no shortage of most used parts and we don't get very many fancy parts donated so it isn't a problem.
On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 7:14 AM, La Bikery labikery@gmail.com wrote:
I'm emailing from La Bikery Co-operative in Moncton, NB.
We're in the middle of some discussions about pricing out our used/pre-loved parts, and are looking for some feedback from other co-ops and community shops! What have you done? What works? What doesn't? What has community reaction been to pricing vs. by-donation vs. free used parts?
Any feedback helps! Thanks a lot.
-- *Coopérative La Bikery Co-operative * *Centre de vélo communautaire /Community Bicycle Centre* *120 boul. Assomption blvd, Moncton NB*
*Jeudis: 17 h à 20 h/Thursdays pm-8pm* *Samedis 11 h à 14 h/Saturdays 11am-2pm*
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