Hey Folks,
Here at Neighborhood Bike Works http://neighborhoodbikeworks.org/ we have had a surge of interest in our Adult Repair Classes http://neighborhoodbikeworks.org/programs/adult-bike-repair-classes/ and are considering expanding our offerings in this realm in response.
Our current system consists of 4 consecutive 2.5 hour Monday night classes. We cover Flat Fixing, Brake Adjustment and repair, Bearing Adjustment and Repair, and Drive Train Adjustment and Repair for $80. It is taught by either our Board President or our Lead Mechanic, with an alternating Youth Assistant.
*Does anyone have 2 tiers of classes, or an advanced class they offer adult participants?* If so, what do you cover? Who teaches (Staff, Volunteer, Board, Youth)? Do you have established curriculum you could share?
Thanks in advance for information you can share!
Taylor Kuyk-White Youth Bike Education & Empowerment Program Coordinator taylor@neighborhoodbikeworks.org (215)386-0316
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